
Key Lockout Services
We understand how frustrating it can be to lock your vehicles inside your car, especially if you can see them right in front of you on the car seat. Trying to retrieve your keys from your car by yourself can cause damage to your vehicle if you do not have the correct tools. At Kanata Towing, are a well equipped and experienced to safely open your car door and retrieve your keys, all while preventing any damage to occur to your vehicle.
Many people will try to retrieve their keys by using a bent coat hanger or trying to slide their window down using tape. Although this method can sometimes work, you are risking causing damage to your window weather strip or to the mechanics of the automatic window track.
We understand that you may be late for work or in a rush to get somewhere. Our drivers will arrive to your location as soon as possible so that you are not left waiting around for a quick job to get done.
Call Kanata Towing today for a free quote over the phone and allow us to safely retrieve your keys so that you can get back on the road as quickly as possible.
Contact Kanata Towing For A Free Estimate!